after this lab, students are able to
- insert data to selected table using SQL command.
- select and display data using SQL command.
- update information in table using SQL command.
- delete data from table
- follow the instructions from the links in the objectives. after that, complete the exercise below:
- insert three (3) data to each of the table in the tables created in lab 2.
- Fill in the lecturer table using the details of your favorite lecturers.
- Fill in the course table using the details of your favorite courses.
- Fill in the students table using your own details and two of your course mates beside you in the lab.
- Fill in the appropriate information in the enrollment table using your data and your course mates data.
- Select and display all the data in table course.
- Select and display your own data from students table using your student ID.
- Update your own year of intake in the students table to 2010.
- delete one lecturer from your lecturer table.
- delete all lecturers from your lecturer table.
*Use snipping tools (in windows) or screencapture software to print screen the show database result before and after the task. Save the task title and also the screencapture in a Microsoft Document named "lab3-[matric no]".